Get in Touch with the RocketBarn Franchise Digital Marketing Team

Follow up meeting to share our insights & recommendations for your franchise marketing

collaborative call

Market & brand research

we do the work

Virtual exploratory call

say hello

Complete the inquiry form


The Discovery Process


Submit Your Franchise Marketing Inquiry

Follow up meeting to share our insights & recommendations for your franchise marketing

collaborative call

Market & brand research

we do the work

Virtual exploratory call

say hello

Complete the inquiry form


The Discovery Process

Thanks for submitting your inquiry! Our team will be in touch with you within business 48 hours

Submit Your Franchise Marketing Inquiry

+  When can we expect results?

+  Do you help franchisees buy in?

+  What reports will we get?

+  Do you have package pricing?

+  Does your team use AI?

-  Emerging or established brands?

Our clients range from 5 locations all the way to 500+ locations. For us it's more about identifying that we will be successful partners for your business goals.

+  When can we expect results?

+  Do you help franchisees buy in?

+  What reports will we get?

+  Do you have package pricing?

-  Does your team use AI?

AI has played a role in digital marketing for a long time! Our team leverages algorithms, optimization tools, and code generation platforms that utilize AI. However, we don't implement AI processes in areas of digital marketing that may lead to penalties in the future. 

+  How many clients do you take on?

+  When can we expect results?

+  Do you help franchisees buy in?

+  What reports will we get?

-  Do you have package pricing?

We certainly do! Depending on the size of your brand, the number of RocketBarn services you require, and the structure of our customized program, we will work with you to create brand-level discounts that work for your network. 

+  Does your team use AI?

+  How many clients do you take on?

+  When can we expect results?

+  Do you help franchisees buy in?

-  What reports will we get?

Reporting should be custom built so you get what you need and aren't overwhelmed by what you don't! Our report options include dashboards, case studies, data pulls, and CRM integrations. Franchisees get a concise view of their campaign performance and home office gets a network-wide view. 

+  Do you have package pricing?

+  Does your team use AI?

+  How many clients do you take on?

+  When can we expect results?

Yes! We want your network to be excited about the program. We happily take the time to connect with your franchisees, individually or as a group, to walk through our product, strategy and process. 

-  Do you help franchisees buy in?

+  What reports will we get?

+  Do you have package pricing?

+  Does your team use AI?

+  How many clients do you take on?

Developing a timeline for results, KPIs, and milestones is something we do together early in our relationship. Depending on the size of the goal, the brand and the starting position, the roadmap for success can look vastly different. 

-  When can we expect results?

+  Do you help franchisees buy in?

+  What reports will we get?

+  Do you have package pricing?

+  Does your team use AI?

+  How many clients do you take on?



Alex is the creative one who also leads business strategy

Sales & Marketing

Alex Preddie


Matt's a marketing pro AND a country music artist

Founder & President

Matt Martin

LinkedIn is our favorite place to  share franchise marketing education, events we're attending, and what's happening here at RocketBarn.

Let's Be Pals - Connect With Us on LinkedIn!